Sunday, May 20, 2012


I'm a really bad procrastinator. REALLY BAD. There are about 20 things that I've been putting off. Right now there is one staring me in the face. This room is the least inspiring room ever, besides the bird flitting around in the rose bush outside the window.

Granted, we've only been in our house for about 2 months. That almost makes it worse. It's a viscous cycle. There are so many things to do. We've only been here 2 months. One thing at a time. It can wait. WAIT? There are so many things to do.

So instead of doing one of those 20 things, I decided to start my blog... And that my friends, is what successful procrastinating looks like. 

Here's what the Even's ARE accomplishing:

I became a vegetarian at the start of 2012. More on this later. Andrew is actually going along with this quite well. He'll eat meat when we go out, but recently told me he might take it on full time (shhh). 

I'm slowly cutting out all animal by-products.

We are drinking this every morning. It's 100% pure organic ingredients. I think we're going on three weeks so that's a major accomplishment for now. 

We bought shelving for the garage. Have yet to put it together. We were supposed to do this last night, but instead I talked Andrew into going to see The Avengers. Good choice me. 

Yesterday I threw out almost all dangerous toxic cleaners and made safe natural cleaners. Definitely more on this later. 

As of today, I have accomplished starting the blog. So I guess that procrastinating thing is two fold. 

One last thing...last weekend we went to Dallas for our anniversary. We watched my dear friends Eden's Edge perform at Poor David's Pub. If you haven't heard of them, check it out. They are three of the most talented musicians. And of course we had to go to a Rangers game!! If you didn't know, they are the team to beat this year. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have started a blog! YAY!! :) Can't wait to hear about all you'll be doing with your new house (which I had no idea about... but awesome!) and all that's going to be going on in the even's lives! Miss y'all so much! Can't wait to start following! :)
